February 18, 2019

Minutes of the Unit 509 Board Meeting

Call to Order

President Tony Jackson called the meeting to order at 4:55 p.m. at the Bridge Gallery


Board members in attendance were Tony Jackson, Jan Conklin, Maxine Reagh, Cathy Wagener, Harley Conner and Donna Edwards, which constitutes a quorum. Nan Halberg was absent. Also present was Kathy Venton.

Approval of Minutes

Cathy Wagener moved approval of the January 21st minutes. Harley Conner seconded the motion.

Treasurer’s Report

Maxine Reagh distributed copies and presented the Treasurer’s Report. Cash balance as of February 18, 2019 is $5,601.61 (see attached). A resolution was made and signed by the Board officers omitting the signatures of Eleanor Wales and Jane Bender. Tony and Harley will be authorized signers on both accounts, along with Maxine.

Committee Reports

Tournaments – Maxine Reagh

Spring Sectional – People are signing up op bring snacks. Karen Weissberg made an email blast in January and Cecelia continues to highlight the Sectional in her articles. Unit 509 website has a link to the flyer, too. There will be an ad in the first of March issue of Forum. Ullia’s will provide sandwiches Saturday and Panera will provide them on Sunday. There is also a sign up sheet at the Gallery for people willing to help out.

Maxine went to Odd Fellows Hall to look at the improved lighting. Phase one is complete and two more phases will complete the job.

Sectional Calendar (2021/2022) It is important to schedule dates for future sectionals well in advance, as they must get “sanctioned” by ACBL. The Board agreed to ask for the following dates for sectionals in 2021 and 2022:

March 6 and 7, 2021

September 18 and 19, 2021

March 5 and 6, 2022

September 17 and 18, 2022

Education – Nan Halberg

Tony reported for the committee. He stated the Mentoring Program will be starting on April 1st.

Membership – Cathy Wagener

Cathy has made changes to the free play coupons. At the bottom she put “see back” and it will indicate good for one year from this date. She will purchase some hard copy paper for the certificates and free play coupons. There were seven new members this month.

Hospitality – Donna Edwards

Donna and Maxine Reagh met with the Oakmont Golf Club manager and signed a contract for the holiday party which will be held December 15, 2019.

Old (Unfinished) Business

Sylvia Shi Lecture – Sixty-five people attended the Sylvia Shi lecture on February 10. Positive comments about the handout were received from many in attendance. Harley stated the cost for the handouts was $127.

Sylvia Shi will do a lecture on May 5th. The Board has agreed to pay the cost of the handout for this lecture. Harley will make the arrangements with Sylvia to get her PowerPoint presentation and have it printed for the estimated attendance.

New Business

Chris Barrere Lecture – Chris Barrere will do a lecture at the second unit game on May 19, 2019.

Other – Harley distributed handouts and reviewed the Free Play and Mentorship Program Chargebacks from club owners procedures,

as well as the Unit 509 Bylaws and purpose-based programs structure.


The next meeting will be on March 18, 2019, starting at 5:00 p.m. at the Bridge Gallery.

The meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m. with a motion by Cathy Wagener and seconded by Harley Conner.

Respectfully submitted by:
Jan Conklin
February 19, 2019