Short Bridge Puzzles – Answers

1. Common Contracts
Most people are aware that 3 NT is the most common contract reached. What would you guess are the next five most common contracts? And what is the least common contract of all?

Answer: The most common contracts are, in order: 3 NT, 4 S, 4H , 2S , 2H, 1 NT. As the least common contract most people would guess one of the grand slams (say, 7 ) but that is wrong.
Think about it. When was the last time you played 5 NT?

2. How To Score +270
At duplicate bridge there are two ways to obtain the rare score of +270. One is to bid one notrump and win all 13 tricks. What is the other way?

Answer: Two notrump (making seven). If you racked your brains on this one, I apologize.

3. Most Likely HCP
It should not be surprising that a hand with exactly 10 HCP is the most likely to be dealt. What is the second most likely?
A. 9 HCP B. 11 HCP C. 9 or 11 HCP (equally likely)

Answer: The probability percentages are: 9 HCP = 9.3562, 10 HCP = 9.4051, and 11 HCP = 8.9447.

4. Three-Two Fit
Most players have had the bizarre experience of being declarer in a 3-2 trump fit, typically through a bidding mishap. What is the most tricks that could be won?

Answer: All 13! Say, declarer has Spades: A-Q-J Hearts: A-K-Q-5 Diamonds: 4-3-2 Clubs: 4-3-2, and dummy has Spades: K-2 Hearts: 4-3-2 Diamonds: A-K-Q-5 Clubs: A-K-Q-5. If both enemy hands are 4-3-3-3 (with four spades), declarer can win all the tricks, even after a trump lead.